Thursday, April 4, 2013

Meas Nugas

Why is it that Latin teachers are always straining to tuck small, nerdling allusions into what they do?  I am no different, as the title of the blog indicates.  Those who know don't need me to spell it out, but for those of you not up on your Catullus (a first century BC Roman poet), "meas...nugas" comes from his first poem, his dedicatory poem wherein he thanks his benefactor, Cornelius, for considering "[his] triflings (nugas) to be something of note."
Well, this blog is dedicated to my nugas, my triflings.  As I will use this blog in conjunction with my Latin classes, the topics will be somehow related to what we are covering--be that grammar, vocabulary, history, art/architecture, or any other topic I think will be useful for me to think more about and students to know.
And as Catullus was grateful to Cornelius for considering his slight poems to be of some value, I hope you will likewise find value.  And I thank you in advance.

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